Schnauzer Lab Mix

Has your head been turned by a handsome Schnauzer Lab mix pup? You’re already pretty lucky, as they’re pretty rare designer dogs. Although there are a huge number of crossbreed dog mixes vying for our attention these days, from the ubiquitous Labradoodle to the many Cockapoos waiting impatiently at the gates of my daughter’s Kindergarten in the morning, the Schnauzer Lab is yet to have a meteoric rise in popularity. So why is that, and is it something you need to be concerned about when hunting for one to koin your family?

Origins of the Breeds

Dog breeds come and go, but the noble Schnauzer has been around since medieval times. The earliest Schnauzers earned their keep hunting rats and guarding their owners’ property. In 1904, the Schnauzer was one of the earliest breeds to be recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). As a modern pet, the Standard Schnauzer has also been scaled down in size to producing the Miniature Schnauzer (first registered in 1926). And scaled up in size giving rise to the Giant Schnauzer (registered in 1930).

These days, Miniature, Standard and Giant Schnauzers are the 17th, 85th, and 76th most registered breeds with the AKC, respectively.

Labrador Retrievers are the golden (or chocolate, and or black) boys of the dog world. Labs are hugely popular – so much so they have dominated the top spot on the AKC’s breed list for years. The history of the lab doesn’t go as far back as the Schnauzer’s, but their earliest ancestors go as far back as the turn of the 20th century. Since then, they have been popular working dogs, and of course beloved family pets.

Coming Together

Unlike hybrids with carefully documented origins, there was no single eureka moment when the idea of a Schnauzer Lab mix breed was conceived. With two such popular and widely-owned pedigrees, it’s likely that litters of Labrador Schnauzer mix puppies have been born by accident or design for decades.

Until not long ago, those litters would have been regarded as mongrels, and given away or sold cheaply to family and friends. But now, living in the era of designer dogs, pedigree hybrids can be big business.


The vast majority of pet dogs are mutts. To give you an idea of the extent, one report estimated the total number of pet dogs in the UK in 2009 as 9.4 million, of which just 216,856 were registered as pedigree pooches. But in the 1990’s, a special term–designer dogs–was coined to describe first generation offspring of two pedigree dogs and has made them.. well… special.

Passionate upholders of pedigree breed standards have not been impressed by this development, and the debate about the pros and cons of crossbreeds rages on.

Disadvantages of Designer Dogs

The main problem with the first generation mixed breed dogs is the uncertainty. Puppies could either take completely after one parent or very much after the other. Even within a single litter, some puppies might look all-Lab but act all-Schnauzer, and others are the complete opposite. You simply don’t know what you’re going to get until your puppy is fully grown.

The Advantage of a Mixed Breed

For the dogs themselves, the big advantage of being a crossbreed their health. Pedigree dogs come from small gene pools that ensures their desirable traits in all descendants. But, just as desirable genes can be secured, so can undesirable genes which cause health problems.

Crossbreeding reduces the rate of hereditary illnesses and improves overall genetic fitness in dogs. Most of the objections to crossbreed dogs are (intentionally or unintentionally) ignoring the problems facing purebred dogs.

The Size Issue

One more thing to note is that pedigree crosses pose a greater risk to the health of puppies if there is a big difference in size between parent breeds. So for the purposes of this article, we’re assuming our pups are either a Giant Schnauzer Lab mix or a Standard Schnauzer Lab mix. These are closest in scale to the Labrador Retriever.

Standard Schnauzers are 17.5 to 19.5 inches tall at their withers (shoulder blades) and can weigh 30 lbs to 50 lbs. Giant Schnauzers are a bit taller, up to 27.5 inches at the withers and weighing 55 lbs to 80 lbs. Labradors fall somewhere between the two. So a Schnauzer Labrador cross is probably going to be a little bigger or smaller than a purebred Labrador, depending on the size of the Schnauzer.

Alas, predicting the full grown size of your Schnauzer Labrador mix puppy isn’t as simple as working out the average of the parents. A Schnauzer Labrador mix could outgrow the larger parent or not even reach the size of the smaller parent. Such is the complexity of genetics and environmental factors.

Schnauzer Lab mixWhat does a Schnauzer Labrador Mix Look Like?

Are you hoping yourSchnauzer Labrador cross will inherit the Schnauzer’s wiry coat in black or salt and pepper? Or the Labrador’s sleek coat in black, chocolate, or gold? There’s really no way of knowing in advance exactly which physical characteristics the Schnauzer Lab mix will take from each parent. All you can do is wait and see!

Is a Labrador Schnauzer Mix Hypoallergenic?

Many sources, including the AKC, describe Schnauzers as non-shedding and hypoallergenic. However, there is no way to predict whether a Labrador Schnauzer will molt copiously and shed their coat twice a year like the Lab, or shed very little like a Schnauzeronly time will tell. One thing we can say with confidence is that 100% hypoallergenic dog breeds don’t really exist.

Temperament and Behavior

As you’ve no doubt gathered, first generation Schnauzer Labrador mix pups are a complete genetic lottery. They can inherit any mix of traits from their parents, and that applies to personality too. Labradors are extroverted and energetic, ready to be friends with everyone, and love to take part in family life. Schnauzers are equally full of energy and fiercely intelligent.

Both Standard and Giant Schnauzers are more likely than Labradors to be wary of strangers–a hark back to their days are guard dogs. Don’t assume any crossbreed that includes a Labrador parent will automatically be friendly. Your Labrador Schnauzer mix might find meeting new people nerve-wracking and may need lots of patience socializing to overcome this.

Training and Exercising

Schnauzers and Labradors are both regarded as highly trainable breeds. They are quick to learn new commands and eager to please by following them through. Standard Schnauzers sometimes have a reputation for being willful. So finding the right incentives and sticking faithfully to positive reinforcement training techniques will be essential to get good results.

Once fully grown, a Labrador cross Schnauzer will need upwards of two hours of vigorous exercise every day. If you’ll find this hard to provide due to work or family commitments, factor in the cost of a dog walker or doggy daycare. Alternatively, wait until you have more time to commit.

Schnauzer Lab Mix Health

As we touched on earlier, all dog breeds are created and sustained from limited gene pools, which increases the risk of hereditary illnesses passing down generations. Crossbreeding can protect puppies since some health conditions require both parents to carry the faulty gene causing it. But some conditions can still be passed on, so it pays to know which health problems each of a puppy’s parents might be at risk of.


Hip dysplasia is the poor development of the hip joints which causes the top of the thigh bone to sit and move incorrectly in the hip socket. Eventually, hip dysplasia leads to painful arthritis. Hip dysplasia is a common problem for both Labradors and Schnauzers, so all breeding dogs should have their hips assessed by a vet before mating. The vet will score the dog’s hip health, and your breeder should be happy to share these results with you.

As well as their hips, the elbows of Labradors are also prone to structural deformities which can result in lameness. If your Schnauzer Lab mix puppy has a Labrador parent with elbow dysplasia, your puppy could inherit it too. To ensure the health of your puppy, the breeder should have a veterinary assessment of the parent Labrador’s elbows, certifying they are in good health.


As any Labrador parent will tell you, Labs LOVE their food. And your food. And any other food they can lay their chops on! When your dogs act like they’re hungry all the time, it’s easy to overfeed them. So obesity has become a big problem among Labrador Retrievers. Unfortunately carrying too much weight also places a strain on your dog’s joints, heart, and other organs.

Work out the correct, healthy diet for your Labrador Schnauzer mix, and stick to it! If you’re worried about getting it right, ask your dog’s vet for help.

Giant Schnauzer Lab Mix Health

There are several other conditions to be aware of if you’re looking for a Giant Schnauzer Lab mix. Giant Schnauzers have above average susceptibility to all of them.

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus

Also known as bloat, GDV occurs when the stomach twists back on itself. It is a particular problem for large, deep-chested dogs. If it isn’t corrected quickly by a vet, GDV can be fatal so it’s important to learn the symptoms and know when to get help.


Hereditary hypothyroidisman underactive thyroidis a particular problem for Giant Schnauzers. Pups develop it if they inherit two copies of the faulty gene that causes itone from each parent. This means Schnauzer Labrador mix pup should be protected by their Labrador genes. However, if you intend on breeding them in future, you will need to find out their carrier status.

Cardiomyopathy potential

This is a disease which causes progressive weakening of the heart muscles. Cardiomyopathy accounts for approximately 10% of all heart conditions in dogs, and large breeds are especially susceptible. Whilst we’ve yet to understand exactly what causes cardiomyopathy, it is generally understood to be an inheritable component. At-risk dogs should be screened before they are used for breeding.

To protect your pup, ask the breeder if there is any history of cardiomyopathy in their family tree. If so, determine whether their Schnauzer parent has been screened prior to the mating.


Panosteitis is a painful inflammation of growing bones, often referred to as growing pains. While it’s more common in male dogs and giant breeds like the Giant Schnauzer, it is often reported in Labrador Retrievers as well. As your Schnauzer Lab mix breed grows, watch out for signs of lameness which may shift from limb to limb, accompanied by a loss of appetite and lack of energy. Because Panosteitis will resolve itself when your dog stops growing, treatment is typically focussed on pain management until then.

How to Pick a Schnauzer Lab Mix Puppy

All those conditions must seem like a lot to take in! And it’s true, there are a lot of health issues to consider. For some of them, like cardiomyopathy, being a Schnauzer cross Labrador might offer them valuable protection, which is great.

By asking a lot of questions about the health of a puppy’s parents, you can greatly increase your prospects of raising a healthy dog. Asking your breeder about all of these conditions may feel uncomfortable, but rest assured a responsible breeder will be happy to answer them. And even happier that you’re taking the responsibility of a puppy so seriously!

Finally, once your heart is set on a Labrador and Schnauzer mix dog, and your head agrees too, where can you find one? Unlike pedigree breeds, and some more popular canine cross breeds, there aren’t presently any owners clubs or breeder registries. So finding a Labrador Schnauzer Mix puppies may take a little more time and persistence.

The Labrador Handbook by Pippa Mattinson(paid link)

What you need to know about the Schnauzer Labrador Mix - Dog breed review.

Is a Schnauzer Lab Mix the Right Dog for You?

Schnauzers and Labrador Retrievers are both long-established and highly esteemed breeds, and many people recommend them. Although, any first generation crossbreed between established pedigrees carries a lot of uncertainty. However, since Schnauzers and Labs were both bred to work, and they are quite closely matched in terms of physique, intelligence, and energy levels, So, mixing them is not a total shot in the dark.

In fact, outcrossing a Giant Schnauzer with a Lab might protect them from some of the health problems of the Giant Schnauzer breed. Without thrusting them into complete existential crisis. A Schnauzer and Lab mix pup might be the right fit for your home if you’ve got an outdoorsy lifestyle so they can burn off energy every day. Plenty of time and energy for training is required. But a Labrador and Schnauzer mix is not the right choice if you’re hoping the Schnauzer component will make a Labrador hypoallergenic!

Hopefully, this article has helped you make an informed choice about bringing home a Schnauzer Labrador mixed breed. Good luck as you continue on your journey to doggy ownership!

Do you own a Schnauzer Labrador? Did you deliberately look for this crossbreed, or did you find each other by accident? What are they like as a pet? Tell us all about them in the comments section below

References and Additional Reading

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  1. We adopted a rescue pup 9 years ago and discovered through a DNA test that she’s half standard schnauzer, 25% yellow labrador and 25% mutt. But she is a fabulous dog. Wonderful with people of all sizes yet a protective watch dog, smart, a bit wilful, a great traveler, devoted varmint hunter, retriever and swimmer. Her one failing is a lack of interest in other dogs. They may follow her, but she nevers follows them unless they have her ball, in which case she circles the thief like a shark until the ball is released. Graceland has her schnauzer parent’s low-shed wiry coat and weighs in at about 48 pounds. Plus, she’s super cute. We think the schnauzer/lab combo is fabulous and recommend it highly.

  2. We have a small schnauzer black lab mix, she is lovely, 13 now, friendly with everyone and all dogs, loves food, easy to train, snores, cuddles when she chooses to, but not a huge fan, prefers an ear stroke / tummy rub, loves walks in the woods and on the beach , loves chasing rodents , kind and gentle, loyal and looked after me once when I was ill – never left my side for two weeks

  3. I have a giant schnauzer lab mix. We completely found each other by accident. He is the most eye catching, intelligent boy!

  4. We rescued a puppy from Blues City Rescue in Memphis Tennessee we live in Ohio they shipped her by van.She was supposed to be a schnauzer Yorkie terrier mix.We named her Pippy.We had recently lost out lap dog that we had for 16 yrs.We were expecting a lap dog well Pippy weighs 38 lbs and shes 8 months old.She’s lab schnauzer mix for sure.She has schnauzer ears and a beard her coat is short and she doesn’t shed much.This dog has so much energy she’s going to obedience class right now and she’s very smart.We love her so much.I didn’t plan on this size of dog in my retirement but I’m sure she’ll keep me active.She has stole my heart and my husband spoils her rotten.We hope to have many good years with our girl Pippy

  5. We rescued Rebel at the Houston SPCA. Never had him tested, but the coat, whiskers, eyes and size would be indicative of a lab/schnauzer mix. We lost him at about ten years old, two weeks ago and still cry every day. Reb was adorable – medium size, 48 lbs, loyal, wonderful. He was protective in terms of aggressive barking at strangers at the door. I loved it. By the time I got to the door, solicitors were ten feet away! However, Rebel was always kind when we let him know someone was alright. Evidence: our housekeeper, mailman, yard crew, and painters who come and go. Every one of them wept when told that we lost Rebel. He was acting fatigued and not himself – vet x-rayed and saw a mass around his spleen – said to watch him. First appointment for ultrasound was a week later. He died the day before. Heartache city. Wonderful with grandkids 7, 4, and 2. They were crushed to learn he is gone. Loved companionship with mom and dad. We’re empty nesters so Reb became our family. Used the doggie door – never messed in the house. Never got on furniture or beds. Smart – had a large one word vocabulary. Very social. Funny, he fetched the paper for me every morning but did not like water (would not swim). We’ll take awhile to get over his sudden loss. We could do worse than finding another lab/schnauzer mix. May sweet Rebel rest in peace … tears again! We thank God for such a special friend whose devotion and love got us through many difficult times.

  6. My puppy, Dixie, has been my first personal dog for me. I am 17 years old, and while my family had a couple dogs, we unfortunately had to surrender them because they either kept escaping into the main road we live by or attacked the younger members of my family. I have begged my parents for years to get a dog to take care of, since i am a good student in school and overall hard worker. Finally, after a really bad period of time where i would easily get angered, frustrated, and emotional, they agreed to allow me to fully pay to have a dog. We found Dixie at North Shore Animal League, who are reputable among friends as the best kennel available. For me and her, named Meeka at the time, it was an instant connection. While the volunteers claimed that she was a very shy and introverted dog, she didnt hesitate to leap in my lap and fall asleep… i remember tearing up as i told my mom without hesitation, “This is my dog, Ma. This is my girl.” This was February 7, 2022.

    Now, almost six months later, everyone loves her. My mom, who was the most against me owning a dog, nicknamed her a nonsense word “Poopskie,” my stepdad, who sneaks her treats when he thinks im not looking, my friends, who call her “rat” and “crackhead” and make claims that Dixie is me in canine form, and my boyfriend of three months loves her almost as much as i love her, even going out of his way to carry my crazy bags i pack whenever we go into the woods in his backyard and carrying her over creeks as she deadweights in his arms. She sometimes sleeps in my bed at nights, but i have to kick her out when she becomes a bedhog. In the mornings she likes to cuddle when im half asleep. She loves her lacrosse ball my boyfriend found for her, and running and playfighting with other dogs, but hates water, and has even lead me on wild chases when i was drenched in water and covered in soap. Sometimes when im out with friends or at school, i would randomly get emotional because i missed my dog. She might be really awkward when i cry in front of her, but never shied away from me when i was frustrated from life and angry at the world. She would let me scratch her tummy or head until i calmed down, and only asked for a playfight with her mom in return. She also knows not to leave our yard, and only left once due to the people next door letting their roosters loose and dangerously close to our house, some even pecking at the pole for our mailbox

    She’s definitely a quirky dog, a medium sized black dog, her body resembling a lab but her face structure like a schnauzer. She hates the sound of lightsabers and the Obi Wan cloak i own, and sometimes sleeps with her paws in the air. As crazy as she gets over new people, even people who often come over, seeing my boyfriend (who also jokes that Dixie is the only kid we will have at the moment) is when she’s happiest. She’s a runner and a jumper, but i never saw a dog who flies at eighty miles an hour crash into some ones legs until he dropped me off after we patched up a really nasty argument that broke us up for two weeks. Taking pictures of her result in some comical photos worthy of showing my best friends, who cherish all the snout pics and blurry shadow pics of her. When she jumps on me, she stretches her arms and widens her eyes before jumping back down. I luckily dont have to worry too much about her shedding (I’m allergic to dogs), and she’s pretty easy going with rules, but is ridiculously smart, to the point where I taught her fetch in twenty minutes, and she taught herself to open the twisty tops to the peanut butter pretzels. She also instantly knew that our two cats are not food or playthings, and from the start coexisted with them easily.

    Dixie has been a great dog from the start, and i have a feeling theres going to be so much more for my pupper in the many years to come… my boyfriend recently began talking to me about the future, and the first thing we talked about was her, and my parents promise to never get rid of her.

  7. I just read the article because I may be having an accidental litter of Miniature Schnauzer/Labrador Retriever puppies. She is on the larger size of the miniatures and he is toward the smaller size of labs. Not sure how I feel about it but, both of them are the sweetest dogs with great temperaments. I’m sure we will keep one of the litter.

  8. I have a lovely 5 year old lab-schnauzer mix, named Savannah. We tell people she’s a “schna-bra-dor.” She is 45 lbs, all black with the body of a lab, but the coat of a schnauzer. She has eyebrows, a brown-red moustache and beard. Her temperament is just like a lab, extremely friendly and everyone’s best friend. She isn’t too keen about playing with other dogs, but she’ll tolerate them in her existence. I love her dearly and she has made my life better in every way. Tennis ball is life for her, and she will run after it until her legs give out. She does have hip dysplasia in her left hip though. As she’s gotten out of her puppy stage, she still loves to play, but will also sneak her way onto the bed for attention in the form of snuggles or belly rubs. She is a major velcro dog, and is stuck at my hip at all times. She does have separation anxiety, but she crate trained easily. She doesn’t have interest in food like a normal lab, and can take up to 4 hours to finish her bowl of food, because she’d rather follow me around than eat. She is extremely intelligent, and has proven that to us again and again. She was a rescue and those are always wild cards, but we got very lucky with her. She’s an absolute angel and my best friend. She’s currently a college dog, and is adaptable in moving around and being at a different place every few days as I hop around friends’ houses with her in tow.

  9. 14 years ago I met my Dudley Do Right at a shelter in Washington, he was 11 weeks old. The entire litter was there. He chose me and it was love at first site. He was the best friend a girl could ever want. Sadly I said goodbye to him this summer and miss him every day. He did suffer from arthritis as well as tumors at the end. He was a gentle giant. When he was a puppy we called him spidey legs because they were so long. I gave a chic breed name when I got tired of saying Giant Schnauzer/Black Lab mix, so I called him a Labradauzer. If I could find another Dudley I would adopt in a heartbeat. Out of the 8 dogs I have had or currently have he was the perfect dog. He didn’t shed, he was food driven like all labs, but he was the best of both breeds.

  10. I had a Lab-Schnauzer mix puppy walk in my back door one day and she never left – i found the owner but they thought she was a full blooded lab and didnt want her. Best thing that ever happened to my family. I have had a dog ever since i was 10 years old and im 75 now. We named her Annie – she was the friendliest, smartest, most socialable with people (never worried a bit about her around children, no matter their age), most intuitive (she knew from just a look what you were thinking- whether it was correction, going outside, going riding in the car and virtually anything else), in short she was by far the best dog, pet, companion, and friend ive ever had – Annie went everywhere with us- she had been to Williamsburg, Va (3 times), Disney World, Annapolis and the Naval Academy, St. Augustine, Washington, DC but her favorite place was the Smokie Mtns – i neved stayed in a hotel unless they allowed pets. Oh and i must say that Annie never ever made a mistake of doing her business in the house. She always, even as a puppy made sure she found you and let you know she needed to go outside. One day, while riding with me in the front seat of my Jeep, and while on a trip, she began pawing at the front window and it took me several seconds to realize what she wanted and she patiently waited untill i found a rest stop. But Annie did shed like a lab, but one with a Schnauzer coat so we were constantly sweeping up her hair – but what a small price to pay for such a wonderful companion. Annie died at age 10 about a year ago and we were devastated – even got a condolence card from our Vet and signed by all their enployees who loved Annie almost as much as we did. Annie never met a stranger and she was absolutely the best and brightess dog i have ever had. And ive been searching for this past year to locate this breed of dog – i know that Annie can never be duplicated, she was truly one of a kind and one of a lifetime. But if i could find just one that just had half of her qualities, i would be very happy. I live in Baton Rouge, La and if anyone has any information as to where i can find someone selling this breed i would be most appreciative.

  11. I live in Germany and we have a adopted a dog from the dog shelter here. Obviously a part of him is Schauzer but we were wondering what the other part might be… It turns out when I look at your Pictures that it coul be a Labrador. He is very nice with children, very willfull and has a strong mind which means he does not always obey the rules. He haunts for example, not listening to what I call, he barks and jumps after cars with an electric motor and he can be aggressive to other dogs.
    He is a perfect member of our family beloved by all of us, always full of temperament and emotion.. Sometimes one wishes he might be a bit cooler not always being 100% full of energy.

  12. We just adopted a Lab Giant Schnauzer mix rescue dog. He is so like the descriptions given above. I am thankful for others’ comments as they are so apt and similar to our Comet. The one thing that confounds me though is his fur. It is beautifully white. His eyes are an almond shaped hazelnut matching his brown and pink spotted nose. I wonder if there is a third breed that gives him the white or if that is a standard recessive trait.

  13. We recently lost our Lab/Schnauzer at the age of 13. His father was standard salt/pepper Schnauzer and mum was a chocolate Lab. jack was black with grey ear tips when young but his beard and muzzle grew greyer with age. He was a fantastic dog, loyal, easy to train, good with children, other animals etc. Had a good bark when required. Loved swimming,had a good nose and if needed I believe would have made an excellent gun dog. He was healthy all his life & in the end his back legs let him down. He was on no medication except from ant-inflammatories in the last year. Couldn’t have asked for a better companion and we are still devastated that he is no longer with us.

  14. We have 2 standard schnauzers we love dearly but are getting on in age. My family and eye wanted a bigger dog so have looked at this breed and wanted more info, thank you much for your comments, we have picked a dog and want future info if you all have any.

  15. Our dog was a rescue and we had no idea what she was, but a genetic test revealed her to be 50% schnauzer, 25% lab and 25% mutt. She has the stature of a small lab and the salt and pepper coat of a schnauzer, so that she hardly sheds at all. Like a Schnauzer, she’s a born ratter and watch dog, and like a Labrador, she loves retrieving, especially if the object for retrieval is in the water. Her speed and agility are remarkable, and she can climb a six-foot fence though now that she is nearly 4, she seems to have given up that hobby. She is just a sweet, happy, remarkably intelligent dog and wonderful with children, though she can be willful and ignore commands. The one down side is that at times she can be quite standoffish or even aggressive with other dogs, but on the whole she’s a joy to have around. She does require a lot of exercise and spends at least half an hour a day on a full-tilt retrieving session, supplemented by two shorter play periods and several walks. But all that keeps her in tip-top shape despite her Lab-like appetite.

  16. I feel very privileged to have happened on a Labrador Schnauzer 8 month old puppy in a rescue centre. He has been with me for the past five years, has a beautiful friendly nature……and so intelligent he practically speaks to me! Like your article suggests the mix can vary so much…… guy sheds like a Labrador, so no hypoallergenic benefits there. We go to agility classes where he is a joy to watch. Here too, that willful aspect is in evidence. But I like that ‘delinquent’ side of his nature or doginality. One thing about him is that every one we meet on our walks admires him for the handsome dog that he is (can take no credit there). He is slim, tall with the lovely beard and eyebrows of the schnauzer, ears and coat of the Labrador and so winning in his way with everyone. He’s a rogue, he’s a charmer and I feel so lucky that a shelter dog could turn out to be so good-natured so winning in his ways. And he just loves to be cuddled. I am so lucky to have him in my life.