It’s A Labrador Life!

Hairy, bouncy, enthusiastic and above all, lovable, Labradors are not always the tidiest of house mates. So we have tips and tricks to help you rub along together!

I’ll also be talking about diet and exercise, and some of the basic routine healthcare that your friend will need you to organize. Together with some great resources to help you get the most from your wonderful Labrador Life.

Day To Day Care For Your Labrador

It doesn’t take a lot to keep a Labrador happy! The most important things you can provide are company, good food, and regular exercise. Taking out pet health insurance and making sure your dog gets their annual vaccinations will go a long way to protecting your dog from illness. And training your dog to respond to basic cues will help to support them as valued family members

The Right Way To Feed Your Labrador

a photo of three labs running towards the camera

Different Ways To Keep Your Dog Fit

Coping with all that shed hair!

a photo of pippa mattinson

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Adding To Your Labrador Family

If you enjoy your Labrador as much as I enjoy mine, there may come a time when you feel the urge to add another Labrador into the mix. There are some ideas below to help you!

To The Rescue

Rescuing a homeless or abandoned dog is a very worthwhile and rewarding journey. It’s also a big life change, so it’s a good idea to prepare and make a plan of how the first few weeks with your rescue dog will go.

My guide to bringing home your rescue dog will help you get off to a great start in your new life together.

Girl Talk!

All my current dogs are female, and they are all entire, ie not neutered. (We’ll look at the pros and cons of neutering below) If you are going to keep girl dogs, there are a few things we need to talk about!

Neutering Your Labrador

In some countries it is a given that all responsible owners will neuter their puppies. In other countries it is illegal to neuter a dog without ‘good cause’. You can find out more about this striking difference of opinion in my article on the evidence for neutering dogs.

Breeding From Your Labrador

When your dog is clearly the best dog in the whole world, it can be hard to resist the temptation to breed from them! There can be benefits, but there are also risks, so its very important to arm yourself with information before you take the plunge!

Your Senior Dog

Caring for your senior dog is both a privilege and at times, a worry. We have some tips to help you care for your elderly dog, and some words of comfort for those sad partings. Some articles include heartwarming comments and advice from other readers, so do scroll down to the bottom to read them.