Labrador Training & Behavior

Regular Labrador training sessions aren’t just for puppies. Training is a great way to bond with rescue dog, improve manners and fix behavior problems. It can be difficult to know where to start, so I’ve provided a selection of straightforward training guides. 

You’ll find tips, techniques and games to help make training fun. Together with actionable rules and plans that you can use to make progress with your Labrador Retriever, in easy steps, in just a few minutes each day. 

What Can I Help You With?

If you have a puppy or just want to tidy up your dog’s basic obedience then the basic training guides are your best bet.

If you’d like to understand why your dog does the things they do, or simply just get tips and advice to improve your training skills, then check out the principles and information.

And if your dog has behavior problem or is just generally being naughty, the problems section is the place to go.

Basic Labrador Training Guides And Routines

Everyone would like a well-trained dog. The Labrador retriever is famous for being easy to train and the Labrador is renowned for their service as therapy dogs, guide dogs for the blind, detection dogs, hunting dogs and much more. So why are so many Labs a little bit naughty?

Well what those service dogs, and all obedient dogs, have in common is a lot of hours of training.

Fortunately the best way to build up these hours is by training for just a few minutes each day. Just five minutes a day adds up to one thousand, eight hundred and twenty five minutes a year! You can achieve a huge amount with a dog in that time. So let’s get started!

You don’t need to spend long on basic training. What matters is that you do it regularly. Five minutes a day is all it takes to make a difference!

Solving Behavior Problems

Your Labrador’s behavior won’t always be perfect. Even the nicest dog will have issues with behavior from time to time. The important thing is to arm yourself with information and take action!

General Behavior

Some Labs struggle to relax. They are always looking for attention or food, and can’t seem to settle. It’s not nice for you, and its not nice for them. But you can change this.

Is There Anything Labs Won’t Eat?

Another common area of difficulty is the Lab that put absolutely everything in their mouth. Here’s some advice for you if your Labrador does any of these:

off the leash

Safety First

It’s no fun watching your dog disappear over the horizon. But control issues with off leash dogs are really common. A dog that cannot be trusted without a leash faces a very restricted life, so its really worth getting on top of these problems.

One problem that can take longer to fix is a broken recall. If you decide you want to follow a complete recall training program, you can buy my book Total Recall. Check out the reviews on Amazon.

Understanding Your Dog

The best person in the whole world to train your dog, is you! You are the one that spends the most time with the dog, and who has the most opportunities to help them be better. And there are opportunities everywhere. Understanding how dogs think and learn enables you to grab those opportunities and make the most of them. Check out these topics