Goldendoodle Labradoodle

The Goldendoodle Labradoodle mix is the best known of the double doodle designer dogs. They have one Labradoodle parent, which is itself half Labrador Retriever and half Poodle. And one Goldendoodle parent, which is half Golden Retriever and half Poodle. That makes one Lab grandparent, one Golden grandparent, and two Poodle grandparents in total. However, it’s not correct to assume that makes them one quarter Lab, one quarter Golden, and half Poodle!


These double doodle puppies get half their genes from their Goldendoodle parent, and half their genes from their Labrador Poodle mix parent. This means each parent is supplying copies of half of their own genes to the mix (so the puppy doesn’t end up with a double set). But which half?

The genes each parent passes on are selected at random. In theory, it is even possible (although extremely unlikely) for both parents to only pass on the genes they themselves inherited from their Poodle parents. Which would make their double doodle puppies 100% Poodle again! In reality, it is practically certain that a double doodle puppy will inherit at least some genes from all three of the breeds in its family tree. But, the proportions they inherit from each can be highly variable, even within a single litter. Which means their looks and temperament can vary a lot too.

History of the Goldendoodle Labradoodle

Goldendoodle and Labradoodle mix puppies are part of a growing trend for designer dogs. That is, mixed breed dogs with known pedigree heritage, rather than mutts with unknown ancestry. They have mostly been bred as pets, although as we’ll see, they have traits which make them suitable for training as gundogs, service dogs, and therapy dogs as well. And they owe those traits to their ancestors.

Did you know?

Labs, Goldens and Poodles were all originally developed for the same purpose? That’s right, they all started out as working gundogs, bred to retrieve ducks that had been shot by their handler. Being ducks, some of them would land in the water, so Labs, Goldens and Poodles were all prized for their impressive swimming skills, as well as their physical stamina and ability to follow sophisticated commands. As time progressed, these versatile dogs also found successful careers as agility dogs, search and rescue dogs, service dogs, and in the case of the Poodle, even performing circus dogs. Since most of them would go home with their handler at the end of the day, individuals who got on well with children and other pets were particularly desirable and likely to be chosen as parents of the next generation.

So by the time owning dogs as pets became attainable to the average family, all three breeds were logical choices. In fact they’ve all occupied spots in the top 10 dog breeds in the United States for over two decades now. Their success also makes them unsurprising choices for today’s designer dog breeders. Culminating in the Labradoodle Goldendoodle double doodle we’re talking about now!

Goldendoodle Labradoodle appearance

There’s not a huge amount of difference between a Goldendoodle and a Labradoodle in terms of looks. After all they are both half Poodle, and Labradors and Goldens are built to very similar templates. Which means in turn that Labradoodle and Goldendoodle hybrid puppies are going to look broadly the same again.

goldendoodle labradoodle

Goldendoodle Labradoodle size

Your Goldendoodle Labradoodle will either be standard or miniature in size. Both Goldendoodle Labradoodle types are likely to be smart, people-focussed, energetic and trainable. But their exact size and some aspects of their personality are an unpredictable result of their complex ancestry.

Labs, Goldens and Poodles all have typical weight ranges for their breed, but once they are mixed up, their hybrid offspring can end up as light as the smallest Standard Poodle (40lbs) or as heavy as the biggest Lab (80lbs+!)

Predicting size gets even harder if Miniature Poodles are used. A Labradoodle or Goldendoodle with a Miniature Poodle parent can weigh as little as 15 or 20 lbs. So a Goldendoodle Labradoodle mix with a Miniature Goldendoodle parent and a Standard Labradoodle parent could weigh 20lbs, 80lbs, or anywhere in between! It’s a huge potential range, and of course it has practical implications. Such as how much space they will take up in your home, whether you can realistically keep them in an apartment, and how much it will cost to feed them.

Color and coat in double doodle puppies

Things like coat color and type can be highly variable too. And even within a litter, you might see several different colors, and puppies with curly, wavy and straight coats. There can even be a mix of shedding and non-shedding puppies. Unfortunately, a curly Goldendoodle Labradoodle mix with a non-shedding coat is not guaranteed to be hypoallergenic. Dog allergens are produced mostly in their saliva, and also at lower concentrations in their sweat and urine. There is no evidence that any breed is more hypoallergenic than the rest.

Goldendoodle Labradoodle temperament

Next let’s take a look at double doodle temperament. Can their unpredictable genetic inheritance affect their personality?

Puppies’ temperaments are a good predictor of their breed, and many traits show strong heritability in behavioral studies. Which indicates that our dogs’ temperaments are determined at least in part by their genes. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean a Labradoodle and Goldendoodle mix dog’s temperament will be a jumble of qualities. Because Labs, Goldens and Poodles all have lots in common, and the difference in Labradoodle and Goldendoodle temperament is modest. They are all:

  • Playful
  • Quick thinkers
  • Affectionate towards their family
  • Usually patient with children and other pets
  • Trainable
  • Adaptable

So a double doodle with ancestors from these breeds is likely to be the same again. Some areas in which Poodles differ from Labs and Goldens are:

  • Friendliness towards other dogs. Labs and Goldens usually love other dogs, whereas Poodles are more likely to remain disinterested and aloof.
  • Protectiveness. Poodles are also more likely to be protective of their home, and bark at unfamiliar people who approach it.

Some double doodle mix dogs may also inherit these traits.

Training and exercising your Goldendoodle Labradoodle

Goldendoodle Labradoodles are usually very responsive to training and easily motivated to take part in training games. All of their ancestral breeds were working dogs, so breeders selected only the most adept and trainable dogs as sires and dams for the next generation. Double doodles from working lines (as opposed to show lines) are particularly quick learners, but this is often coupled with a big appetite for mentally stimulating tasks like training games and puzzle toys. You’ll need a plan for meeting that appetite, or you could find they get bored and resort to destructive behaviors such as digging or chewing.

A full grown Goldendoodle Labradoodle cross needs upwards of two hours’ exercise per day, including time off the leash to run or chase a ball in the yard. They are good companions for runners and cyclists, because they possess athleticism and stamina in spades. A miniature Goldendoodle Labradoodle mix needs a similar amount of exercise, but they might struggle to keep up with on long runs or bike rides. In which case a big yard, or daily access to hiking trails or a dog park will be a better match for their needs.

Goldendoodle Labradoodle health and care

Next let’s take a look at the notable aspects of Goldendoodle Labradoodle mix health and care. We all want a healthy pet who will enjoy many uncomplicated years with us. The main health problems facing Golden Lab Poodle mix dogs are:

  • Orthopedic conditions including hip and elbow dysplasia. This is particularly true in big Goldendoodle Labradoodle crosses.
  • Eye problems including cataracts and a type of hereditary blindness called progressive retinal atrophy.
  • Immune-mediated skin problems triggered by an allergic reaction to something in their diet or environment.
  • Ear infections.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Obesity.

Labradoodles and Goldendoodles being considered as stud dogs or dams should be health tested for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and eye problems at a minimum. Good breeders will already have proof of the results of these tests before they open a waiting list for puppies. Always ask to see copies, and walk away from breeders who make excuses for not performing them, or not sharing the results.

Goldendoodle Labradoodle Life Expectancy

The average life expectancy of all three breeds contributing this double doodle combo is 12 to 13 years. Which means a Goldendoodle Labradoodle’s average life expectancy ought to be the same again.

Grooming your double doodle

We’ve already seen how coat length, color, texture and shedding can vary between individual Goldendoodle Labradoodle mix dogs. Doodles with long, non shedding coats need regular brushing to prevent tangles that tug painfully at the skin. Brushing also lifts out dirt and debris, and helps keep their fur clean. For easier maintenance, most people with long haired dogs book them in for regular salon visits, to have their coat washed and clipped to a manageable length by professionals.

Shedding coats also need brushing to lift out dirt from walks. They shouldn’t be clipped, but if they have feathering on their tail and legs like a Golden Retriever they might benefit from occasional trimming of those areas. They are likely to shed moderately all year round, but twice a year they may shed heavily. This is known as ‘blowing their coat’ and it’s when dogs quickly replace their entire coat with a new one more suited to the change in season. Deshedding tools can help speed up this process, but you can’t avoid it altogether.

Do Goldendoodle Labradoodles make good pets?

Double doodle mixes like the Labradoodle Goldendoodle mix can be great pets in the right home. If you’ve had a good experience with any of the three pedigree breeds in their family tree, then it’s likely you’ll also be a good match for this mix in terms of temperament and getting active together. However, if things like falling within a certain size bracket, or definitely having a non shedding coat are important to you, then it’s possible you’ll be disappointed by an adult Godlendoodle Labradoodle mix.

This mix is likely to be placid and tolerant around children as an adult, but bear in mind that bouncy puppies are a different kettle of fish altogether! Young children should always be supervised with dogs of all ages and sizes. A boisterous big Goldendoodle Labradoodle mix pup is especially likely to unintentionally hurt a small child. Your young dog will need lots of your attention for activities like training and playtime. This is great if you have older children and teenagers who can help out. But it can be overwhelming if you still have babies and toddlers.

The Labrador Handbook by Pippa Mattinson(paid link)

Goldendoodle Labradoodle puppies

Poodle mixes of all types are a popular choice of puppy mills, who keep breeding females and their litters in terrible conditions. Puppies raised in these environments are more likely to have expensive long term health issues, and challenging behavioral problems. Our Puppy Search guide can help you navigate the process of choosing a good quality puppy, including recognizing which breeders to avoid, and knowing which ones you can trust.

In the puppy section of our site we’ve also got lots of resources to help you navigate those first weeks and months after you bring your new pal home. Including feeding, potty training, crate training, learning to be alone, and setting up the foundations of good basic obedience.

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