Can Dogs Eat Bones?
My dogs love to munch down on meaty bones, and yours would too! Dogs can eat bones safely, provided that they are raw and uncooked. I have fed my dogs raw meaty bones, and in fact a generally raw diet, for years now. However, this method is not without it’s potential risks and drawbacks.
Although cooked bones are a serious risk for impaction due to splintering, this can still potentially happen with raw bones for dogs too. And bones are hard, which can lead to dental issues and chipped teeth as well. Yet raw feeding bones also works to clean the very same teeth!
It’s clearly a minefield of a subject, but my personal view is that dogs can usually eat raw bones with no ill effects. But to feed your dog raw bones you’ll need to do research and preparation, and I’m happy to help you with that today!
- The nutritional benefits of dogs eating bones.
- Understanding the risks.
- The different types of raw bones for dogs.
- How to feed your dog bones safely.
Can Dogs Eat Bones?
One of the problems with safe dog bones and raw diets for dogs generally is the lack of evidence as to safety and benefits, compared with commercially prepared pelleted dog food (kibble). As a result, it isn’t just pet owners that disagree over safe bones for dogs. You’ll find vets arguing over this too.
Dog food manufacturers, which use bones and bone meal, all tend to come down on one side of the argument, of course. A dog gnawing happily on a bone is a traditional and internationally recognized image. After all, dogs are carnivores, and meat is important. So it would seem that the nutrients in bones would definitely be good for them. And in a lot of ways, this is true.
In fact, multiple pet food firms have marketed raw bones as being the ideal accompaniment to a raw dog food diet, citing their nutritional benefits. However, there are caveats to this. And the main one is that raw bones can still be swallowed and cause a blockage. There are a lot of aspects to this question. So let’s break it down piece by piece.
Bones And Dogs
Bones contain nutrients which are vital for dogs, especially for larger breed puppies. These nutrients include calcium, which is an important part of a nutritious dog food diet. Calcium should comprise between 1 and 1.8 percent of the dry weight of a dog’s food.
Bones also contain phosphorus, which is also important. These two nutrients are so important to a dog that all commercial pet foods approved by the Association of Animal Feed Control Officials contain bone meal.
Generally speaking, vets recommend that dogs be given a nutritionally complete diet. If supplemented with bones, many recommend either edible or recreational raw bones.
Are Bones Good For Dogs?
For optimum health, a dog should eat a well-rounded and nutritional diet. This includes nutrients that he can get from bones. The nutrients in bones themselves are definitely good for dogs. But they can be attained from bone meal, a common ingredient in dog foods.
A second benefit of bones is that they will often keep a dog occupied and happy for quite some time!
When Are Bones Bad For Dogs?
Bones, in and of themselves, are not bad for dogs. That is to say, the nutrients in them are not toxic. However, caution is definitely required when it comes to feeding your dog cooked bones. Most experts, even those who don’t like dogs to have bones of any kind, agree that raw bones are likely to be safer than cooked bones.
You probably know someone that feeds cooked bones to dogs, and whose dogs are fine. I do too. But the overwhelming view, at the current time, is that cooked bones are more dangerous than raw bones because the cooking process makes bones more brittle. This means that they are much more likely to splinter.
Bearing in mind the lack of evidence to the contrary, my own view therefore, is that it is best not to feed cooked bones to your dog. That doesn’t mean that there are no safe bones for dogs.
Are The Risks Of Raw Bones Over Hyped?
If your dog eats raw bones, he will certainly break them up into small, sharp looking bits and swallow them. And it is impossible for anyone to promise you that a splinter from a bone won’t harm your dog. All we can tell you is that many people nowadays feed their dogs on raw bones, such as rib bones, without their dogs coming to harm. So can dogs have raw bones without any worries at all?
There is a growing enthusiasm now for feeding dogs on a totally raw diet. I’ll come right out and disclose that my dogs are largely fed this way. I’ll also add that I don’t think this is in some way a morally superior thing to do, or even that it is the right thing to do for all dogs, or in all families.
Why is it that thousands of dogs are now raw fed and swallow splintered bone each day without coming to harm? One argument is that dogs are simply able to digest splintered bone without ill-effects.
What most experts do agree on, is that raw fed dogs may be protected by the meat they eat along with their bones. In other words, raw bones are likely to be a good deal safer when fed as part of a meal. So, while raw bones are not risk free (nor is any food source) it is clear that they are not the dire threat to dogs that was once thought.
Can Dogs Eat Marrow Bones?
Recreational bones are the bones that dogs are given to gnaw on when he is relaxing at home. Both to keep the dog happy, and to keep him out of mischief for a while. They are usually large marrow bones. You can buy big marrow bones from butchers and pet stores. But can dogs have marrow bones? What exactly is the skinny on marrow bones for dogs?
People often think that these are safe because they are too big to choke on, and don’t splinter easily. Even though the ones you get from a pet store are often cooked. But there is a problem with big bones that all vet seem to agree on. They can break dogs’ teeth. Vets regularly see slab fractures in dogs that have been given large, hard, bones to gnaw on. And even vets that support raw feeding, and giving bones to dogs, will warn people not to feed large, weight-bearing bones to their dogs.
While gnawing on large bones may be a way for modern dogs to pass the time, it may not be quite the natural behavior we think it is. Wild dogs usually leave the more challenging bones on a carcass unless food resources are short, in which case they will consume a carcass more fully. Historical records show higher levels of broken teeth in carnivores when competition for food is intense.
Can Dogs Eat Recreational Bones?
As a rule of thumb, if a bone is a weight-bearing bone (such as a leg bone) of an animal that is as big or bigger than your dog, it is probably safest to give that bone a miss. These bones are likely to be hard and strong, and have the greatest risk of fracturing your dog’s teeth. Weight bearing bones of smaller animals, rabbits, chickens, etc., are not as hard and are less likely to fracture your dog’s teeth.
A dog’s digestive tract is much shorter than a humans and is designed specifically to process meat and bone together. Your dog will usually digest all the bone he eats almost completely without any problems provided it is fed in the right proportions to muscle meat and organs, as a part of his diet. Dogs fed recreational bones without meat attached and/or not given sufficient access to water after eating bone, may end up constipated.
Can Dogs Eat Rib Bones?
As a matter of fact, this is a much better choice for your dog to eat, when it comes to larger animals like cows and sheep. Rib bones tend to be pliable and softer than leg bones, and dogs are able to consume them more easily.
Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?
Simply put, there isn’t any truth to the myth that dogs can’t eat chicken bones. Cooked chicken bones may well be dangerous, for the reasons given above. But raw chicken, or turkey, on the bone, is a staple part of the diet of most raw fed dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Pork Bones?
Many people have heard that dogs can’t eat pork, but it is not entirely true. Though in some regions, parasites can be an issue (see below), and some dogs may be allergic to the protein found in pork.
Allergies to other meats can occur, too, but they are not the norm. Most dogs can eat pork without ill effects. Pig’s feet (trotters) are a popular source of nutritious food for raw fed dogs.
In some parts of the world, meat from some animals carries parasites that can be passed on to dogs. This is not just a problem with pork. It may apply to fish and other meats too. In most cases these parasites can be killed by freezing the meat for a while before thawing it out for a dog to eat. If you decide to feed your dog a raw diet, you need to arm yourself with information on the potential issues in your area before you start. Otherwise, pork bones for dogs should be okay.
Can Dogs Eat Ham Bones?
The same goes for them as for ribs and pigs feet. The primary danger is if the bone is cooked, and splinters. It’s safer to give your dog a raw bone to chew on. But precautions still need to be taken, and you should still be observant of your dog as he gnaws.
Can Dogs Eat Rawhide Dog Bones?
Rawhide for dogs is a very popular choice. But there are dangers involved in this, as well. Rawhide has actually usually been treated and preserved. So “rawhide” can be a misnomer.
Vets are also concerned about dogs who tend to chew through their rawhide so quickly that they swallow large pieces of it. Labrador Retrievers tend to be this type of chewer. A dog’s stomach acid can break down small pieces of rawhide, but larger pieces can lead to an obstruction. So care should be taken when giving your dog rawhide dog bones.
Can Bones Treat Dental Problems In Dogs?
Because of the gnawing that usually happens when you give a dog a bone, many people assume that bones are great for any dental problems that may be happening. However, this isn’t entirely the case.
Bones can be good for helping to clean a dog’s teeth. This is true especially if there is some cartilage and meat on the bone. Gnawing on all of that is almost like brushing and flossing your dog’s teeth. Although brushing should be a regular part of caring for your dog in any case.
But bones can also be bad for a dog’s teeth, under certain circumstances. As mentioned above in the subheading on marrow bones, large bones can be too hard for a dog and actually harm or even break their teeth. On top of that, if your dog has major dental problems that cause sensitive teeth, they most likely won’t want to chew on a bone to begin with.
How To Prepare Bones For Dogs
Feeding bones is a very contentious topic. Some people think that you should never give any bones to a dog. Others think that raw bones are okay, but that cooked bones are dangerous. Some people think that some types of raw bone are safe and other types of raw bone are not.
The best raw bones for dogs are meaty bones, with plenty of muscle meat still attached to them. Whole chickens or chicken portions, whole rabbits, and meaty beef or lamb ribs are popular ways to feed bones to dogs. To reduce the risk your dog breaking his teeth on bones, he should not be fed weight-bearing bones from larger animals.
To safely give your dog a bone, choose a raw bone that still has meat attached. Avoid giving your dog a bone that is too big, or too small. Bones are often fed as part of a raw diet, and they are available as such. It’s always a good idea to check with your vet before you embark on such a diet. Ensure that your dog will get what he needs in terms of nutrients, and that you can safely feed your pup bones.
To minimize risk of sharp splinters harming your dog’s digestive tract, or of tiny chips of bone clogging up his gut, dogs should not be given cooked bones. Safe dog bones, therefore, are raw and appropriately sized. Avoid:
- Cooked bones
- Weight bearing bones
- Recreational bones
Bone safety does not depend on the species of animal that the bone comes from but on the bone being raw, pliable, and fed as part of a meal. Many thousands of dogs are currently thriving on a natural raw diet, and have lived long and healthy lives on raw food, including bones.
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I butcher my own chickens, rabbits, goats, ducks & turkeys. My question is the absolutely freshly cut from the carcass & handed to the dogs a safer choice than previously refrigerated/frozen, week old bone? I know from cutting them that they are softer but am still paranoid about slivers.
My 1 year old chocolate lab just swallowed whole a round pork chop bone from a baked pork chop. He never chewed it, just gulped it down. Will it hurt him?
i have a female english collie from local dairy farm at the end of the garden, and another looks like a 3/4 doberman/beauceron, calm cool temperament they are both wonderful characters full of energy and mountain walks nearly every day depending on the weather we live in the pyrenees.
the collie is only interested in bones which she is given as her evening meal everyday, will not touch biscuits, until she
has eaten the bone, sold at the local supermarket. and if possible would certainly take another bone, the amount of biscuits is a handful no more from my point of view enough for her size, her point of view is certainly different. she has been spayed.
Now the male who has a short coat will not eat bones regularly, his first interest is biscuits and occasionally a bone depending mostly on the weather.
I’ve got a seven yr old yellow lab. Vet as put him on a diet, he weighs 37.40 kilo.
he’s been on royal kanine saiety. 300 grms day.for over 12 mths. but he’s a nightmare. keeps barking for food. runs off looking for food. pulling on lead to find food. Is there anything i can do.
Hi there, please join the forum so that we can help you with your training/behavior problem 🙂
What about the filled bones that are available in pet stores?
Our 4 year old Lab had had a tooth extracted the vets say from a bone..It was cracked….She has only ever been given raw neck bones….so is now only on carrots but she did love to have a bone and am very undecided…..Our previous Lab was a Guide Dog Puppy raised on a raw diet back then…..and she was on it her whole life of almost 16 years…….This Lab is on the same but we cheat and buy leading Raw…but have just pulled out our Guide Dog book and may start to do some of our own again…..They have all had porridge as a meal most days with additives…..
Thank you for this article. We have been giving our 18 month lab buffalo knuckles or mediun to large femur pieces about 8 inches long and quite thick. All raw and frozen when we purchase them. Would these still be okay? She is a hard chewers so I have worried about cracked teeth.
I was taught ever since a young boy to never feed pork,chicken any small bones to Dogs.
Also never feed a Hunting Dog any meat from a bird, we have thrown out all pork rib bones both raw and cooked for fear of splintering and puncturing the stomach.
Our neighbour would heat up knuckle bones every morning for our Lab.( who went home at 13 years) and throw them over the fence, our young Lab, Charlie, finds these old bones around the acreage and chews on them.
Thank you for the article I now feel that uncooked bones are safe.
Great article!
It’s cleared up a lot of my confusion and gives a balanced overall view rather than the biased opinions from one camp or the other.
Now if only I could get my retriever to calm down on the outward leg of his walk, I might yet get my shoulder back in it’s socket …
Thanks Graham. Have a look at this 🙂